How to win at roulette: here are methods and advice

You have never wondered how to win at the Roulette online or how to win at the Roulette at the mess, then know that you are not the only one. All players, sooner or later, They go in search of the best system to get guaranteed winnings to roulettenull Obviously there is no method that will allow you to be able to win with certainty at the game of the wheel, But this does not mean that you cannot do everything possible to increase your possibilities of victory.
The game of roulette, in fact, is really very simple and you can’t do much to predict the next issue on which the ball will stop, Since everything is simply established on lucknull To find out how you win at the Roulette at the mess you must be aware that everything is based on statistics and percentages. For example, focusing on a full number, you will have 1 possibility out of 37 (if we talk about the European roulette or French) of indovinate. If, on the other hand, we focus on red or black, you will have almost 50% of guessing the episode.
For those who do not know, we are talking about almost 50% because in reality there is also the number 0, and in the Roulette Americana also double 0. These numbers, in fact, represent the advantage of the counter, since they do not fall into the secondary episodes And, if the ball stopped on that slot, then whether you focused on red and on black, it would be lost anyway. That’s why, one of our advice, that’s that to always choose roulette in the European and French version, since they have only one 0null In the American one, however, there are both 0 and double 0.
At this point, however, you are wondering why we made this guide on how you win at the Roulette at the Casino. The reason is really very simple. Although there is no method that will tell you how to always win at online roulette, there are measures and systems that could increase your possibilities, in addition to different strategies to be able to put into practicenull During this article we will give you all this information and more to find out how you win at the Roulette at Casino and online.
These methods will serve you to have a perfect management of your Bankroll, or your budget. You can increase the number of turns to the green table, both virtual and traditional and avoid instincts that could lead you to lose a lot of money within a very short time.
Let’s start seeing a series of useful advice that, if put into practice, will surely help you avoid bad surprises, and we immediately see a series of online casino where to play:
How to win at roulette: here are some tips

Let’s see together What are the advice you should follow To increase your chances of conquering a profit at the game table and we find out how you win at the Roulette at the casino.
Make sure everything is legal
This is certainly the first advice that you have to follow both when you want to know how to win and play roulette, and for any other game, And let’s talk about choosing absolutely legal gaming or casinos in USAnull As for terrestrial structures, know that there are few, in total and are found to Sanremo, Venice, in Val d’Aosta and American champion. For online platforms, however, just make sure they have The license of the Customs and Monopolies Agency, or the only body that in USA has the task of regulating and authorizing the game at a distance. Understand if a site is authorized or not is quite simple and consists only in having to check that the Symbolino of the ADM is on the sitenull Only in this case, in fact, will you sure that no game will be made up and that your winnings are always paid.
Know the types of episodes
To find out how you win at the Roulette at the casino you must know that the roulette is a very simple game and, practically it has no particular rules to have to know. It is important, however, to know all the various types of episodes present both at the table and even more particular ones that you will not even find on the green tablenull Among the latter, for example, there are i Near Zero and the orphansnull Remember that it is important to know how to play roulette and win. If you want to know more about how to win at the Roulette at the Casino or online, on the episodes and the few rules, you can always take a look at the our in -depth guide.
Choose the right roulette
Many players then believe that the Roulette games are practically the same. In reality, at least among the most frequent versions, namely the French, the European and the American there is a substantial differencenull In the American one, in fact, compared to the other two there is both 0 and double 0. In the European and French, however, there is only 0. This is an important point to pay attention to because 0 and double 0 represent the advantage of the counter and therefore it is better to limit itnull Here, however, you can find all the other types of Roulette that exist.
Don’t believe anyone
Another advice that we usually give players overlooking the first few times in this sector and who are looking for systems on how to always win at online roulette, it is not to believe those who spoil that they have a special methodnull There is no particular strategy because everything is based exclusively on luck. If you find someone around the web that offers you tricks or secrets you are away, because its only goal is simply scaming. And then, if he really had an infallible system to win think he would sell it? It would use it for itself.
Strategies on how to win at roulette
Now that you know some of the useful tips to respect to increase your chances of victory, or at least avoid ending up in some scams, Let’s see what are the most popular strategies that you can find aroundnull First of all, however, it is necessary to clarify some points that will return to you useful both for during this article and in your gaming experience at roulette.
- Secondary episodes: the various methods that we are going to present are largely designed for those episodes which provide only two possible results, except for the exit of the 0 which, as you now know, It is the advantage of the counternull We are naturally talking about the episode Red and black, that is, the one in which the color of the next number must be predicted. There is still You seem to be disappearing or 1-18/19-36null It doesn’t matter which episode to choose from these, but it is essential that you continue to play throughout the session without ever changing.
- The episode unit: for all the methods we will talk about on how to win at online roulette and not, There will always be an episode unitnull It is good to clarify this point since it very often creates several problems. During this article we will talk about episode units simply because we cannot know what your budget is. There is the possibility that you want to have fun with 10 cents of euros at each lap, or with 50 eurosnull This obviously depends on the sum of money you want to dedicate to roulette. For this reason we will always talk to you about the episode units and then it will be up to you the effective value of this episodenull Remember that when choosing the value of the episode you must also consider that there may be some very negative series and therefore you will always have to have a budget available to continue the chosen method.
- Establish an end: as you will see even after how much we will make you examples of episodes, we will assume that we make a series of five episodes. This does not mean that you too have to do the same. You can decide to do 30 laps, or 100 or more. Our advice, however, is to establish both an economic and temporal termnull Establish, for example, that you will put an end to the session on the fifty lap. In this way, you will avoid a series of problems. For example, there are those who are winning and therefore are afraid of losing the opportunity of a life, and then it only makes to end up losing everything. Another case, then, could be when you are losing and therefore always wait for the next tour to try to recover but then, in the end, you risk losing even more.
- Follow the system: Don’t let yourself go to the head, but manage the game in the right way. Someone, in fact, since he is winning or losing a lot, lets himself go to episodes other than those provided by the system he is following. This is a mistake because in the end it makes the system itself ineffective and the final balance sheetnull Of course, everyone can focus their sums of money as he believes, but this can be done outside a system designed just to better manage the budget.
- It’s all legal: The systems that we will propose you shortly are completely legal. In fact, these do not alter the roulette system, but they simply help you manage your budget in the best way. Nobody, therefore, can ever prevent you from using it, as for example they can never stop the Card of cards in the Blackjack.
Online, terrestrial or live Croupier roulette?
This is one of those questions that players often ask themselves when they are about to use one of the methods designed for how to win at roulette. You must know that, at least for the systems that we will present you shortly, it makes no differencenull You can safely choose the software version, or the one in which you play against a virtual croupier and which are created by the various professionalvider software. It is also possible to choose the version with CroPArs in diretta streaming or play directly in one of the legal terrestrial casinos in USA or abroad.
These methods, in fact,, they are based only on the value of the episode and on the management of the budget, So they are always used and nothing changes based on the type.
Now that we have the clearest ideas, let’s enter detail and see how win at roulette and what are the best and most popular systems.
The methods to win at roulette

This system is perfect for Those players who do not have a negative budget and therefore they want to immediately make up for and win at online roulette or livenull Martingala, in fact, provides that if you lose an episode to the next the value of the token must be doubled.
Recall that you must always choose one of the various secondary episodes and establish your own episode unit. Let’s take an example based on a mini series of five rounds, so as to have slightly clearer ideas on how this method worksnull In this case we decide to focus on You seem to be disappearing and that ours episode unit has a value of 5 euros.
- Let’s start to focus on equal and al first lap, therefore, we bet our 5 euros. Unfortunately for us, however, the number 11 comes out and therefore we lose.
- In the second round, therefore, continue to focus on an equal footing, But this time we double And then let’s move on to point 10 euros. Also this time, but we are unfortunate and the number 35 comes out.
- At the third giro, therefore, we still bet on the fact that an equal number comes out but we have to place 20 euros on the table. At the moment, therefore, our budget is negative of 35 euros. At the end of the tour the ball still stops on an odd number, and therefore we lose everything.
- For the fourth round, we leave the chips still on equal and double as far as now, thus reaching 40 euros. We remind you that our budget is currently below 75 eurosnull This time, but we are lucky and finally we win. We collect 80 euros, and therefore our budget returns to 5 euros.
- Reached ours fifth and last lap, since we won, We must return to the initial episode, or 5 euros (A episode unit). In addition, having guessed the outcome, let’s move on to the opposite one, that is, odd. The ball, however, stops on an equal number and therefore we lose. At the end of our series, therefore, the final balance is precisely in a draw.
One of the most important features that you need to pay attention when choosing to use the Martingala method, is that you have to check the maximum value of the episode at the game tablenull As we saw in our miniseries, in fact, although starting from 5 euros, we arrived after a handful of shifts To aim for 40 euros and, if we had lost again, we would have had to reach 80 eurosnull If a table has a maximum episode value that does not allow you to double the episode too many times, it is better to choose another system to win at both online and terrestrial roulette.
Opposite to Martingala, then, There is the anti martingala system, which is based on an alternation of colors. In a nutshell, if you get lost, you will not have to focus on the same color yet, but the other outcome will be chosen. Of course, this system can be used even if you choose to bet on peer and odd or 1-18/19-36.
The Paroli method

This system is also very simple and therefore really suitable for everyone. In a nutshell, it works at the reverse of Martingala, That is, when you lose it is always maintained the same episode, while when you win itnull It is the system preferred by players who are afraid of losing too much since, going to double the episode every time you lose, you risk getting to very high figures quickly.
Also in this case we make an example with a small series of episodes. We choose to focus on red and black and decide that our episode unit is always 5 eurosnull To afford both to understand how this system is practically function, and to make a quick comparison with respect to Martingala, we will follow the same scheme.
- Al first lap We focus 5 euros on red. The ball, however, stops on an opposite color and therefore we lose.
- For the second round We leave everything as before, or the same episode (red) and the same value (5 euros). We lose again, and our budget, at the moment it is 10 euros below compared to the starting point.
- With the third lap we must not do high that leaving everything unchanged and therefore still red and 5 euros of tokens. Again, however, the ball stops on black.
- Same scheme also on the fourth lap. This time, however, the ball stops on the red and then we win 10 euros. Our budget, therefore, is 10 euros still in negative.
- At the final tour of our miniseries we must focus on black and double the value, then 10 euros, As for the previous round we wonnull Unfortunately we are unfortunate and we lose. Our final balance is 20 euros.
Of course, these are examples that could have a thousand different variables and luck comes into play that we certainly cannot predict or controlnull As you can see compared to Martingala, however, despite the fact that we followed the same scheme, We never went to loss over 15 eurosnull That’s why this system is perhaps the most suitable for players who don’t want to risk much but hope to win at online or terrestrial roulette.
D’Alembert: a slightly different method

il Alembert system It is certainly different than the precedents for a series of reasons and can be used to increase the chances of winning online or terrestrial roulette. First of all we do not start from a episode unit, but from five and then does not include doubles but everything is established according to a specific and systematic scheme.
In a nutshell, when you lose the episode of a unit, while when you win, you decrease a unit. If you are not clear to you the system you don’t have to worry, because we will put it into practice immediately With another miniseries where we will focus on episode 1-18/19-36 and the value of our unit will always be 5 euros.
- On the first lap, however,, Remember that you will have to bet five episode units, and therefore 25 euros. In this case we will focus on the fact that a first half number comes out. Unfortunately for us, however, one number of the other half came out and therefore we lose.
- For the second lap, therefore, we still focus on the first half, But we have to increase our toilet by a unit And then we come to point six units and therefore 30 euros. The ball stops on a first half number and then we win. Our budget is 5 euros.
- Now, since we have just won, On the third lap we have to go down to a unit of episode again and then return to five And therefore 25 euros, focusing on 19-36. We win again and we are positive of 30 euros.
- For the fourth lap, always following the same scheme, You still descend an episode unit, reaching four and therefore 20 euros. We obviously focus on outcome 1-18. This time, however, we lose and go down to a positive budget of 10 euros.
- On the last lap, We go back to a unit of episode since we have lost in the previous lap, and let’s go back to five, and therefore 25 out of 1-18. Fortunately for us we win and therefore we get 50 euros. At the end of this series of episodes, the balance is 35 euros.
The clear advantage of this system is given by the fact that the value of the token is increased or decreases in a progressive way And this takes you back from pointing enormously high figuresnull Our advice is to be particularly attentive to the value of the starting episode since you will have to start from the first to turn five units to win at online or terrestrial roulette.
Fibonacciment series

In this case, the method that we go to present on how to win at online or terrestrial roulette is based On a very famous numerical series known for hundreds of years and with a halo of mystery that follows hernull Let’s talk about the Fibonacci series composed of numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 and 55null As you can see, each number is made up of the two previous numbers.
She was found by Leonardo Fibonacci, Mathematics and scholar of Pisa of the thirteenth century, intent on understanding the trend of the coupling of the rabbits and how they reproduced. In reality, then, he had such an important sequel that he became famous and Examples of the fibonacci series have been found in all areas, both musical and the musical and botanist.
Some scholars, therefore, They also thought of inserting it as part of the wheel game and a method was invented on how to win at roulette based on this seriesnull In practice, if you lose it is necessary to increase the value of the episode following the series. When you win, however, you have to go back two numbers. On the first lap, then, you will have to point a unit and then go up if you lose, or continue with this figure if you win.
Parliay: the least risky method

We now come to another famous system, also known for the fact of giving a certain security to players who are afraid of losing money but who want to win on online or terrestrial roulette. The Parliay method, in fact, is based only on the money wonnull In this case we also do an example based on a series of five games, so as to understand how it works. Let’s assume that our episode unit is 10 euros and choose red or black.
- On the first lap we focus our episode unit on red, or 10 euros, and we win.
- In the second lap we focus on the opposite outcome And we do not double or progressively increase the episode, but we bet how much won beforenull Since before we got 20 euros, but 10 of these were played, it means that we will have to focus only 10. We focus on black and win again.
- Now, therefore, let’s focus again on red 20 euros. This is because it is the money won so farnull This time, however, we lose because a black number comes out.
- And on the fourth lap that you do? We have no more money won, so we will return to aim our initial unit, and therefore 10 euros. Also this time, however, we lose, therefore our budget is passive of 10 euros.
- On the last lap of our usual mini series of five laps, We will have to aim once again 10 euros, given that our budget is negativenull If we win we will go to a tie, while if we lose the loss it will reach 20 euros.
As you have noticed, this system is really very conservative. In practice, if you don’t win, the episode never increases and once you win the first, you will start pointing only the part actually wonnull That’s why it is very followed by players who don’t have a big budget.
Constant episode

The method in question, on the other hand, is very linear and allows you to never have time when the budget drops too much, in fact, in fact, it is based on a very simple system or on the proportion of its budget. Let’s imagine that at the beginning of your episode session you decide to want to aim 1% of your budget in each handnull In this way the episode increases and decreases automatically when you win and when you lose.
If, for example, your budget is 100 euros and You want to aim 1%, it means that you will have to bet 1 euronull If you win, your budget will increase by one euro, and therefore it will reach 101 euros. 1%, therefore, will be 1.01 euros. If, on the other hand, if you lose after the first lap, then your budget will go down to 99 eurosnull This means that your next episode will also be 99 cents.
Obviously this system will be difficult to apply in traditional casinos since the episodes of a few cents are not always possible. On the other hand, however, it is very simple to do it online or with live croupier.

This is the only system on how to win at online roulette or how to win at the Casino roulette which does not include an episode on binary numbers, but rather on numbersnull In a nutshell, in fact, it must be focused on three dials, or vertices that include four numbers and, Therefore in total, 12 numbers are chosennull You will therefore have a third of the possibilities that one of the numbers you have chosen comes out.
In the face of this less percentage of possibilities compared to the systems that we have just presented you (almost 33 % against almost 50 %), There is also a potential superior winnull You win, in fact, three times the episode made, therefore greater than the double expected by the other systems.
Now that you know the systems to win at roulette, find out below where to find the best: